by Guest Writer J. FineHowitzer Methodaires Poorhouse Lauderdale

Each year individuals are faced with the same daunting dilemma, where to spend their Thanksgiving Eve. Quality time with one’s family looming this decision cannot be taken lightly.

This year, after much consideration, I have decided my pre-Tofurky time will be spent at the Poorhouse in Downtown FTL. This Wednesday Poorhouse offers The Methodaires and Howitzer.

The Methodaires will be gracing the Poorhouse for the first time in two years. The ska, reggae, and soul band have been together three years. They were joined by singer Nia Divine about a year and a half ago. The Methodaires cover the Police, The Specials and perform original music; Nia Divine performing Erykah Badu’s Tyrone is a must see. The Methodaires will get you off your bar stool and shaking your turkey feathers.

Howitzer a street rock band with a hardcore influence will finish off the night. Howitzer was started by brothers Jay and Russ in 1995. Since the bands inception members have changed however Jay and Russ have continued to provide guitar, bass and vocals. Today Howitzer brings a cohesive group of skilled passionate musicians together to ring in the early hours of your Thanksgiving.

The Methodaires and Howitzer are a sure bet when deciding what to do with your Wednesday night. Two incredibly talented bands together at a FTL staple such as Poorhouse and you can’t go wrong. Have fun, be safe and tip your bartender!

Here’s Conspiracy by Howitzer.

Here’s Hygrade by The Methodaires

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